A Personal Documentation of BHA 2022
Bento Lab Biotechnology 101 Kit
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method used in molecular biology to make millions of physical copies of a specific DNA sequence, for example, a gene.
“Primer” is a short single strand of DNA that serves as a starting point for DNA synthesis of a new DNA strand. It is required for DNA replication because the enzymes that catalyze this process, DNA polymerases, can only add new nucleotides to an existing fragment of DNA.
For all experiments using PCR in the Biotechnology 101 Kit, you will be provided with a specific set of primers. (1)
In the 101 kit, there are PCR tubes with a freeze-dried PCR master mix bead (2). This bead contains:
Gel Electrophoresis is a common analysis method of DNA and it’s the key to visualising your results.
The orange lid seals the gel box when the voltage is applied and also functions as a filter for the transilluminator, to render the fluorescing DNA visible.The base is used to cast and run the gel. It has the red positive electrode, and the black negative one. Each of the electrodes is made of a thin platinum wire.
Two rubber dams are used to create buffer zones around the electrodes during gel casting. There are also combs to create 9 and 12 well gels.
To make 1% agar gel:
Dissolve agarose powder in the 0.5x TBE Buffer in a beaker.
Heat the solution in a microwave for short bursts of 20-30 seconds.
! Avoid heating the gel solution for too long.
After each burst of microwaving, take our the beaker and swirl the solution. Once bubbles start appearing, the agarose should have dissolved. If you still see visibly solid pieces or strings of agarose, continue until they are dissolved.
Once the agarose is fully melted and dissolved, let it cool to about 55°C – it should feel hot, but not too hot to touch.
Pour the agarose slowly into the gel box until the 5mm mark.
It will take about 30 min for the gel to solidify at room temperature. To speed up the process, you can also put the gel tray into the fridge.
Remove the comb and the buffer damsafter the gel has solidified.
! Be careful not to damage the gel as you remove the comb and dams. When removing the comb, make sure not to pierce the gel.
Use your prepared 0.5X TBE buffer solution again, and pour it over the gel until the gel is fully covered. The buffer should reach about 2-3mm above the gel.
That is all of preparing the gell.
In this step you will load one or several samples you prepared, into the gel you prepared earlier. You will also load the appropriate DNA ladder for the experiment. In the Biotechnology 101 Kit, all experiments are designed for a 100bp ladder.
To load the samples into the wells of the gel, you will need the micropipette and several pipette tips
Set your micropipette to 5μl.
Firstly, load DNA ladder into the well furthest on the left by the micropipette, using a fresh pipette chip.After loading the well, discard the pipette tip.
Next, load the each samples which you prepared into the wells from left to right.
Make a note so that you remember which sample is in which well.
Loading needs careful control. Support the hand holding the pipette with the non-dominant hand for better stability.
Run the gel for 40 minutes to separate the DNA fragments.
This time, we did the DNA Analysis experiment to check whether the one has the ability to digest lactose. Concretely, we searched for the existence of the genetic variation of the gene MCM6, which controls the expression of LCT, the gene that encodes the lactase enzyme. We used a Lactose Intolerance Primer which was part of the reagents of Bento Lab Kit (the Biotechnology 101 Kit).
The ladders appeared could be seen clearly.