BioHack Adcademy(BHA) 2022

A Personal Documentation of BHA 2022

View the Project on GitHub MarikoSakuragi/BHA-2022


My interests

・Actor-Network Theory(ANT) & materiality in science
・How bio lab has became today’s form?
・Interests in old lab equipments, how they have been blackboxed.

DIYbio… Weird fusion of old and new

・My inspiration is from Urs Gardenz’s lecture (Gaudi Lab).I am so impressed by his amazing invention of DIY devices.
・Re-interpret and reconstruct lab equipments through historical research of lab equipments.
・According him, such historical research helps for DIY as reference and inspirations, because old equipments are simpler and more open than modern devices.


・Research about the historical improvement of Centrifuge
・For what it was used for? How was the design?
Actually, I’d like to research about the other lab equipments’ history (ex. incubator). However, because my making skill is not high, I chose centrifuge, thinking about final work.
・Reproduce old style centrifuge by 3D printer, using it for experiments.
(Hopefully, I would like to add some newness on my work.)
・+ Record how my imagination and point of view change through the DIY process.