BioHack Adcademy(BHA) 2022

A Personal Documentation of BHA 2022

View the Project on GitHub MarikoSakuragi/BHA-2022

Ideas and keywords


I have no making/programming/modeling skills. If anything, my strong points to research steadily and writing documents. For this reason, I would like to make something based on (hopefully) thick research to make up for my weakness not having great making skills.

I’m curious about the historical invention of experimantal/lab equipments.

I’m interested in the challenges in DIYbio to make laboratory mobile.
Go outside from laboratory
Now, the inside/outside of laboratory is spacially separated.

・Suitsucase laboratory by Urs (GaudiLab)
・BentoLab by Philip

👉Can scientists be free from their laboratory?
👉Can scientists go travel over the world with mobile scientific tool-kit?

・地元、富山の薬売り 箱状のリュック、持ち運べる箪笥のようなもの
→売り歩く。何かを? バイオ系の行商人みたいな人がいたら面白いんじゃないか

Reference: 「置き薬の歴史」

I want to put historical elements of science into my final project.
I’m interested in not only the brand-new science but also the historical side of science, especially the improvement of scientific tools. I would like to represent classic scientific tool or reinvent them.

History of Incubator

Wiki page written about incubator is interesting.

I am surprised that incubator has long history. At the same time, I’m interested in the multiplicity in the use of it.

I thought that incubator is the machine that helps cell culture.But not only in science, it has also been used in medical purpose.

To begin with, incubator is not intended for scientific purpose. The earliest incubators were used for warming chicken eggs in ancient Egypt and China.
In the 17th century, a entomologist Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur invented more sophisticated incubator. Reaumur made the incubater with a wood stove.

infant incubator

In 19th, incubator began to be used for culturing cell. Moreover, doctors found that it could be apllied to keep premature infants alive.
Later, an American physician Julius H. Hess created the first electric infant incubator.

I was fascinated the history of incubator. I think there is a keyword = “care”: caring baby and caring cells.

👉Infant-incubator-formed incubator for cell culture?