BioHack Adcademy(BHA) 2022

A Personal Documentation of BHA 2022

View the Project on GitHub MarikoSakuragi/BHA-2022

4/4(Mon) Review & Advises

Technical Advices

I was given many fruitful advices by the other members.
(Thanks a lot, Georg-san and Tsuchiya-san!!)
↓ ・Change screw(ねじ) that I used as axes to shafts(simple round sticks).
・Sandwitch gears with two plates? to make axes stable.
・Put gears not on single side but on both sides for balancing.
・Fix gears to shafts with “Imoneji 芋ねじ” (a tiny screw).

Book:伊藤茂『メカニズムの事典』(Shigeru Ito, Encyclopedia of Mechanisms)

Feedback from others

・It is necessary to add something “+α” to my ideas. ⇨WHAT??
・Bicycle centrifuge (suggested by Georg-san)